Standard of Excellence and Point Scale

For the Fife Canary

Description & Points The Fife Pictorial Model

SIZE – 25

To the diminutive and the bird’s length no greater than 108mm (4¼ Inches).


HEAD & NECK – 15

Rounded, well filled and proportionate to the bird’s body size with a demonstrable freeness of the neck, that is created by a clear starting point between the neck and the back, forming the desirable break in the neck and rise of the back.<

BODY – 15

Proportional width across the shoulders showing a roundness from all angles viewed. The roundness of the back to form a high rise from the shoulder and break in the neck, falling to a gentle rounding at the base of the tail. Balanced and rounded, with the rise on the back well filled and being equal to the fall of the chest.

WINGS – 10

Compact and tidy, touching at the tips below the base of the tail, covering the rump and back descending downward. Giving an overall appearance of tidiness and evenness.


Posture to be upright and at an angle of 60 degrees, moving in a confident manner without loss of position.<


Tight to body, rich, pure, and free from frill or roughness. Exceptional in quality.


To be of good natural colour and not showing a harshness that can be displayed by such methods as colour feeding, which is prohibited.

LEGS – 5

Balanced and of proportional size to the bird’s body, showing some thigh. In positional relevance to the body aiding the correct position and carriage.

TAIL – 5

Compact and slender. Neatly drawn, packed, and saturated at the root.


No points offered. Birds to be exhibited in a clean healthy condition, in cages displaying the highest standard of hygiene. Birds showing signs of distress, or ill health, will be removed from exhibition.