Scottish Border and Fife

Best Novice

Best Fife 

Robert Lindsay

Bristol FFCC

Best in Show

C&L Thomas

Scottish ffcc

Best Fife in Show

Geordie Jackson 

Midland FFCC

Best in Show

Roger & Wood

Midland FFCC

Best in Show

Best Champion Variegated

Roger & Wood

International FFCC

Best Fife in Show

Adam Raine  

Cumbria Border and Fife FCC

Best Junior

Tobias Ghey 

West Wales FFCC

Best Novice

Best Fife in Show


West Wales FFCC         Scottish FFCC

Best in Show                  Best Novice

                         Best Novice

West Wales FFCC

Best Champion

The Kendall Stud

West Wales FFCC

Best Junior

Pippa Marsh

Bristol FFCC

Best Novice

Mark Goscomb

 Best in Show Bristol FFCC

Best Champion (Variegated Yellow Cock) – C&L Thomas

Best Novice (Variegated Yellow Cock) – Mark Goscomb

Best Junior (Variegated Yellow Cock) – Pippa Marsh