Our Rules

1. Judge’s

Application Eligibility:

  • The Council will publish and maintain a list of panel judges.
  • An applicant must be a current year fully paid member of The Fife Canary Council.
  • An applicant must be a current breeder and exhibitor of champion status for a period of 3 (Three) years prior to an application to join the judging panel.
  • An application will be proposed and supported by two current fully paid Council members.
  • All applications must be sent to the General Secretary for presentation to the Committee for approval.
  • Any fully paid Council member, exhibiting at Champion status, may judge the Fife section at a CBS show.

Judging Engagement Acceptance

  • Judges will be a fully paid member, be a current year breeder and have champion exhibitor status at the time of accepting a judging engagement for a Fife specialist show.
  • Any judge relinquishing breeding or exhibiting Fife canaries will advise the Council General Secretary of this fact and the judge will be automatically removed from the judging panel.
  • Any Judge returning to the fancy after 3 or more years of absence must be a current year breeder.
  • Failure to fulfil an engagement without just cause may result in an individual being removed from the judge panel.
  • A panel judge may judge the novice section at a show, whilst also exhibiting in the champion section at the same exhibition. This rule allows the individual to judge the novice section up to and including class wins, but not specials, which will remain the obligation of the appointed judge.

2. Show Status

  • Junior Rule – A junior exhibitor shall be a person aged up to the age of sixteen, after which, they are expected to exhibit as a Novice or Champion. Junior exhibitors are only allowed to show in the junior section, regardless of family members involvement at Novice or Champion status.
  • Novice Rule – A novice exhibitor can remain a novice for as long as the fancier wishes and can move to champion status at any time. However, they will be required to move up to champion status, the following show season, should they accumulate 10 best novice wins at Council affiliated shows.

3. Show Cage

  • The DEWAR CAGE is the only accepted Fife show cage.
  • Small round top hat drinkers only to be used. (A tubular side drinker may be placed, by the exhibitor, once Judging has finished). Any bird observed by the Show Manager to not be drinking shall be treated as an unfit bird and removed from the staging before being afforded a side drinker.
  • Spars of show cages to be placed to leave five empty wires between them, the first spar to be on drinking hole wire.
  • Cover of seed box to have a slot in it and not holes, and box to contain plain or mixed canary seed.
  • Tierwol, Chipsi, Gold Chip Original or Snowflake Soft Chip shall be used as floor covering.
  • Cage labels to be directly under spar, away from drinker.
  • Spars to be 1/2” (13mm) diameter with 12-groove spiral.

4. Council Show Committee

The Show Committee must contain 2 (Two) Members of the Council Committee

  • The Show Secretary has the power to elect a show committee.
  • The Show preparation meeting should be advertised and open for any affiliated club representative to attend.
  • All fully paid members are encouraged to help in the running of the Council Annual Show.

5. Council Ring Scheme

The Council shall run its own ring scheme, offering both split and closed IOA/COM approved rings. Council members shall receive rings at the discounted price.
Birds must be shown with only one ring, birds with no ring or multiple rings will be not judged.

6. Show Classification

The Council will maintain an approved set of Show Classifications as adopted by the membership and voted for through mandate at the AGM.

7. Breed Standard of Excellence

All members will follow the Fife Canary Council Standard of Excellence.

8. Policy and procedure

The Fife Canary Council prides itself on been inclusive and one that free from discrimination or bullying etc, All members are requested to adhere to the Council’s policy in this respect. Failure to adhere could result in your membership been revoked.