Welfare in Exhibition Policy

This policy has been prepared to ensure the welfare of our birds in exhibitions. The policy provides general guidelines on the minimum standards for the maintenance of health and for the husbandry, housing, and display.

Welfare Officer

Each club shall appoint a designated person or persons to a as welfare officer within the club, this person or persons shall be responsible for the management of the exhibition in regards the care and welfare of the birds in exhibition.


Sufficient food suitable for the birds should be provided in a manner which is consistent with the requirements to maintain good health and to encourage the natural feeding behaviours throughout the duration of the show.


Clean, cool water should be always available while the birds are in the care of the club and regular checks must be carried out to ensure the birds have sufficient water for the duration of the show.


All birds should be exhibited in cages that display the highest standard of hygiene, any cages found to not meet these standards should be removed from exhibition and not be judged.


Any bird that is showing signs of distress or ill health should be removed from exhibition and isolated from other exhibits, and if required, a veterinarian be called to attend to the bird.