Council Code of Conduct


The code of conduct sets out the expected behaviour of all members of the Fife Canary Council members, visitors, and guests.

This includes but is not limited to events, exhibitions, meetings, online public communications including social media.

The aims

  1. To reduce risk of harm, injury, harassment and nuisance to members and the wider community.
  2. To protect members.
  3. To protect the interests of the Fife Canary Council
  4. To create an inclusive environment and positive platform expected in a modern organisation.
  5. To ensure the highest possible standards of fairness, honesty, competition, and behaviour.


Each of us is responsible for adhering to the values and standards set forth in this code and raising questions if we are uncertain as to whether these standards are being met.

  1. Members, officials and representatives should not undertake in any action that could bring the Council into disrepute.
  2. Members must not engage or participate in actions which may cause damage to others.
  3. Members are expected to report any of the above actions.
  4. Respect the Council’s property and the property of others including the act of taking the property of others without consent.
  5. Members of the Council and its officials should not coerce or pressure others into actions, including ‘voting and elections’ that they may not be comfortable with.
  6. Members should act responsibly and respectfully when participating in Council business, attending events and functions including online events, social media and meetings.
  7. Members should not engage in offensive or abusive language at any event etc.


  1. In the event of any allegation of a breach of the Council’s code of conduct then all evidence will be gathered, and statements collected by investigating individuals.
  2. All parties involved will be invited to offer up any evidence and make written statements.
  3. All information, statements should be collected and reviewed by the review board comprising of 3 council members. These individuals must not have been involved in the gathering of evidence or collating any evidence statements.
  4. A decision will be made after all the evidence and statements have been reviewed, considered, and agreed upon by all members. Only then may sanctions be applied.
  5. Failure of any members to comply with procedure may result in a decision being made with evidence and statements that are available to review.
  6. Any complaint must be made in writing/email to the general secretary within 10 days of the offence to be passed on for review.
  7. Decisions will not be made public.
  8. The panel members shall remain anonymous.